Friday, May 31, 2013

Gem Miner 2 apk []

Gem Miner 2 apkCurrent Version : 1.3.5b Requires Android : 2.0 and up Category : CasualSize : 6.7M Recommended Grab your pickaxe and get ready for adventure!Explore caves, abandoned mines and long forgotten temples as you search for fame and fortune in this long anticipated sequel to the best selling Android classic, Gem Miner!- Bold and colorful HD graphics- Bigger mines, more ores, more hazards, more tools and even more fun!- Freeplay mode puts you in control of an enormous mine- 6 difficulty levels in freeplay- Over 65 expeditions across 3 difficulties- Supports Google TV VideosSearch...

Air Battle apk []

Air Battle apkCurrent Version : 1.1 Requires Android : 2.0 and up Category : CasualSize : 5.7M Recommended Raiden Air Battle is a classical shoot-em-up comparable to old classics like Raiden and 1942. Enemies attacked us at a harbor and made the us very angry. In 1945 during World War II,as a pilot,try to beat our enemies.Crash your enemies now! You have several chances before game is over,enemies will keep attacking you and keep in mind that attack them with no hesitation! Earn your points by shooting all airplanes down.Get those bombs and upgrade your weapons,use NUKE,the super bomb...

Texas HoldEm Poker Deluxe apk []

Texas HoldEm Poker Deluxe apkCurrent Version : 1.3.9 Requires Android : 2.0 and up Category : Cards And CasinoSize : 15M Recommended ★★★★★ Top-rated Poker App on Facebook! ★★★★★ FASTEST growing Poker App on Android!Texas Hold'Em Poker Deluxe offers classic gameplay, full Facebook compatibility and an active community. Compete against over 16 million other players on Facebook, iPad, iPhone, and Android. It's exciting Las Vegas style poker on the go! Join now and receive $30,000 in chips for FREE!Game Features:* FREE daily gifts and chip bonuses * 1-click access to 100's of tables *...

Rage Meme Camera apk []

Rage Meme Camera apkCurrent Version : 11.0 Requires Android : 2.0 and up Category : ComicsSize : 4.2M Recommended Troll your friends! Take a photo from camera or gallery , replace the face of your friends with Rage faces , and share the result through email, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr or Bluetooth. Make your funny rage comics FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!Rage Meme Camera it's completely free photo application.Some of the key features:- Features 140 of the most popular rage/meme/troll faces.- You can share the photo through email, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr or Bluetooth.- Save comics directly...

Fast Racing 3D apk []

Fast Racing 3D apkCurrent Version : 1.01 Requires Android : 2.1 and up Category : RacingSize : 16M Recommended Burn up the street with the fastest and most exhilarating 3D racing action in Fast Racing today! Live your life a quarter mile at a time as you take over the streets in this #1 acclaimed 3D racing game.Fast Racing combines stunning, high fidelity graphics with addictive gameplay that will have you swerving through oncoming traffic, collecting power-ups, and knocking other racers off the road. With astonishing physics, eye-popping tracks, and awesome cars, Fast Racing creates...

Asphalt 7: Heat apk []

Asphalt 7: Heat apkCurrent Version : 1.0.6 Requires Android : 2.3 and up Category : RacingSize : 1.1G Recommended Hit the speed of heat in the newest, fastest, most visually stunning edition of the famed Asphalt series.A FIRST-CLASS LINEUPDrive 60 different cars from the world’s most prestigious manufacturers, like Ferrari, Lamborghini and Aston Martin, including the legendary DeLorean.RACE ACROSS THE GLOBEGear up to race on 15 tracks set in real cities around the world, including brand new tracks in Hawaii, Paris, London, Miami and Rio.CHALLENGE THE WORLDThe completely revamped multiplayer...

Plants vs. Zombies™ apk []

Plants vs. Zombies™ apkCurrent Version : Requires Android : Category : Size : Recommended ResultDownload Plants vs Zombies Apk for Android. Plants vs. Zombies are built and published by PopCap Games, this game known by PC gamers since 2009.,Plants vs. Zombies v1.3.4 Get ready to soil your plants in the hit PopCap® game! A mob of fun-loving zombies is about to invade your ,Plants vs. Zombies v1.3.0 HD Apk Game Free Full Download - Free play and download more than 1000 best game Collection for PC and Android Mobile,Plants vs. Zombies v1.3.4 Full (APK+DATA)....

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Piano Master apk []

Piano Master apkCurrent Version : 1.70 Requires Android : 2.1 and up Category : CasualSize : 2.2M Recommended Piano Master is a music game, just follow the notes on the screen and you will be able to play many famous songs.For a better play experience a display size of at least 4 inches is recommended. This program works very well on tablets.The game includes songs composed by Beethoven, Chopin, Bach and other famous classical music authors, as well as popular melodies like Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday To You, and many others!The songs have various difficulty levels, so the game...

Perfect Piano apk []

Perfect Piano apkCurrent Version : 5.7.9 Requires Android : 2.2 and up Category : CasualSize : 5.3M Recommended We are seeking an experienced UI&Art designer to help us improve the UI experience. Contact us if you are interested. Thanks! Our email: changzhi2009@gmail.comPerfect Piano - v5.7.9Use this app to learn to play piano and drumkit with realistic instrument sounds.Keyboard:1. Support Full Keyboards of Piano.2. Single Row Mode.3. Dual Row Mode.4. Multi-Touch.5. Touch pressure detecting.6. Record and Playback. Audio only or full piano action.7. Key width adjustment.8. Learn...

Tekken Card Tournament apk []

Tekken Card Tournament apkCurrent Version : 1.044 Requires Android : 2.2 and up Category : Cards And CasinoSize : 156M Recommended TAKE THE FIGHT TO THE STREETS TEKKEN goes cross-platform free-to-play for the first time ever with TEKKEN CARD TOURNAMENT for smartphones, tablets and browsers. Now players can take TEKKEN with them everywhere and launch into seamless cross-platform card battles with skill-matched players from around the world. TEKKEN CARD TOURNAMENT features the stunning 3D visuals players expect from TEKKEN, with electrifying turn-based card battling that’s fun right...

100連発!おもろいセックス Hなトレビアびっくり疑問大全集 apk []

100連発!おもろいセックス Hなトレビアびっくり疑問大全集 apkCurrent Version : 1.0.0 Requires Android : 2.1 and up Category : ComicsSize : 6.7M Recommended 【限定】キャンペーン中!!・「俺の全てをおいてきた!探せ!この世の果てまでも!」エロ本の隠し方 ・宇宙でセックスってどうするの? ・ナースの落とし方はどうすればいい? ・なんだかエロい状況とは? ・合コン必勝法 などなど数々のセックスにまつわる雑学、伝説、テクニック を紹介。定価800円のところ88%OFF 特別に3000名様まで 99円で販売!!☆宴会や合コン、友達や同僚や彼女との間で話のネタにすぐできる!★セックスがうまくなるテクニックが満載です。☆エロい雑学、エロい歴史、エロい科学、めちゃエロくて面白い話を100連発!★合コン、ナンパ、最高に気持ちのよいセックス☆NASA発表 宇宙とセックス! クレオパトラのセックス!  Legend of sex !! ★学校でセックスしましょう。☆女性にも人気! 素敵なセックスの知識・知恵がいっぱい。●目次はじめに第1章 オトコとオンナの性のメカニズム・宇宙とセックス 未知の問いにNASAが出した結論は?・お尻を追いかける男に共通すること・その限界はいつ? 男はいつまで女を抱けるのか?・処女膜のお話。求められるのは日頃の観察力!?・オレは早漏!? 早漏の悩みと解決法・目覚めのセックス! 一番気持ちよい時間帯は朝!?・チンチンは左さがり!? 垂れる秘密について全てを語ります。・モテモテのフェロモン分泌法・ムチムチの体が心をいやしてくれる秘密・イグノーベル賞、コーラで避妊の真実・あなたの愛が煙にまかれる理由・色の真実 黒い乳首・コンドームって完全な避妊にならないの? 100%の避妊にならないコンドームの理由・セックスすると頭痛が治る仕組み・セックス後の賢者タイム 人間だけに訪れる高等機能!!☆コラム☆もしもセックスがオリンピックの正式種目になったら第2章 秘技伝授・ゲイもののポルノを見ると◯◯が増える!?・列挙四十八手・ポルチオの秘技・女をいかす3つの力・これぞもっとも効果的なダイエット法!? セックスすると痩せるって本当なの?・発情期を狙おう・惚れ薬は実現間近・やり過ぎ注意! オナニーのし過ぎは死亡フラグ・女性を落とすテクニック!女性が発情する時・女性器で感じるゴールデンスポット・セックスで若さを保つ! 健康セックスライフ!・その美しさは罪なのか?国をも滅ぼす女たち第3章 ちょっとHな目線で切り込むエッチな国際交流・世界の初体験26連発・英語のエロ用語辞典・アダルトグッズは古代より世界をまたぐ 創意を重ねた知恵の結晶・世界オナニー大会・首が飛ぶ 命をかけたオナニー・エロい地名10連発・Hな法律7連発!・意外な事実 フェラチをはチャップリンによって広まった!?・纏足の陰に映る権力者の性癖・個性豊かなペニス 30億本のペニスの中から厳選して紹介します。・その強さにはワケがあった! スパルタを最強の軍事国家たらしめた下半身の共同戦線!?☆コラム☆もしもエロが政権を左右したなら第4章 気になる異性をどんどん虜にしてみせる裏技・言葉責め解説 of...

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Zumba Dance apk []

Zumba Dance apkCurrent Version : 1.2 Requires Android : 2.3.3 and up Category : CasualSize : 219M Recommended Take your Zumba® Fitness workout wherever you go with the revolutionary new motion-based Zumba® Dance app! Zumba® Dance is the first app with full routines and that can provide feedback and encouragement. Let loose with contagious choreography through Zumba’s signature “exercise in disguise” program on-the-go or at home. Follow along as superstar Zumba instructors, Beto Perez, Gina Grant, and Kass Martin, guide you through each heart-pounding class. Let the music move you with...

Battle Sniper apk []

Battle Sniper apkCurrent Version : 1.1 Requires Android : 1.5 and up Category : CasualSize : 3.1M Recommended CALL OF DUTY,CITY IS IN DANGER!!!Our city is is invaded by a group of disguised terrorists,they killed innocent people and tried to bomb tall buildings,those bastards needs to be cleared or we won't be able to live a peaceful life,city is in danger. As a soldier from troop,you are well-trained and need to show how really good you are in real battle. Take down those terrorists with no hesitation!How to Play:1. Touch to shoot.3. Tap the crosshair icon at bottom right to enter...

Boyaa Texas Poker apk []

Boyaa Texas Poker apkCurrent Version : 2.5.0 Requires Android : 2.0 and up Category : Cards And CasinoSize : 10M Recommended Texas Hold’em is the most popular poker game around the world. It is widely considered to have the most strategy of all poker games, yet the rules are quite simple. It’s a deceptively simple game to learn but a harder game to master.Better than zynga poker.Boyaa Texas Hold’em Poker is totally free.Support two accounts: Facebook account and guest account.Daily free login chips bonus.Different levels and states ensure that there must be a seat that suits you.Millions...

The Walking Dead, Vol. 2  apk []

The Walking Dead, Vol. 2  apkCurrent Version : 2.0.11 Requires Android : 2.2 and up Category : ComicsSize : 29M Recommended An epidemic of apocalyptic proportions has swept the globe, causing the dead to rise and feed on the living. In a matter of months, society has crumbled: There is no government, no grocery stores, no mail delivery, no cable TV. In a world ruled by the dead, we are forced to finally begin living. This volume follows our band of survivors on their tragic journey in search of shelter. Characters live and die as they brave a treacherous landscape littered with...

AppMgr Pro III (App 2 SD) apk []

AppMgr Pro III (App 2 SD) apkCurrent Version : Requires Android : Category : Size : Recommended ResultApp 2 SD helps you to get more free internal phone storage space! AppMgr (also known as App 2 SD) is a totally new design app that provides the following components:,FREE APK of AppMgr Pro III (App 2 SD) v3.00 Android full, you can download AppMgr Pro III (App 2 SD) .Apk Android 3.00 full free, download AppMgr III Pro (App 2 SD ,AppMgr Pro III (App 2 SD) AppMgr (also known as App 2 SD) is a totally new design app that provides the following components:,Tools...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Duck Has An Adventure apk []

A Duck Has An Adventure apkCurrent Version : 1.01 Requires Android : 2.2 and up Category : ComicsSize : 226k Recommended You are a duck! What do you want?Maybe you want to embark on high adventure on the open seas, woo beautiful pirate queens and seek buried treasure?Maybe you want to get yourself an education, push back the boundaries of science and explore the worlds of art and literature?Or maybe you just want a quite life by the pond, begging for scraps of bread, chasing lady ducks and catching the odd fish?You are a duck! This Is Your Adventure! You decide!A Duck Has An Adventure...

Endomondo Sports Tracker PRO apk []

Endomondo Sports Tracker PRO apkCurrent Version : Requires Android : Category : Size : Recommended ResultRequirements: Android OS 2.1 + Overview: Track your sport in real time and challenge your friends using the built-in GPS. Your trainer for running, cycling, walking etc:,Endomondo Sports Tracker PRO v8.4.0 APK Requirements: Android OS 2.1 + Overview: Track your sport in real time and read more,Click here and download endomondo sports tracker pro apk absolutely for free. Fast downloads. Direct links available.,Endomondo Sports Tracker PRO Endomondo is...

Gem Miner: Dig Deeper apk []

Gem Miner: Dig Deeper apkCurrent Version : 1.3.3 Requires Android : 1.1 and up Category : CasualSize : 1.9M Recommended Explore a huge mine to find ores, metals and gems and make your fortune!Sell your discoveries to buy upgrades from your profits and dig even deeper down a huge mine. Be careful not to get stuck down the mine, fall down chasms or be crushed by rockfalls!Includes support for bluetooth Zeemote JS1 controller.- massive randomly generated mines (every game is different!)- buy lifts, improved mining gear, supports, ladders, torches and much more- challenge levels give you...

Candy Crush Saga apk []

Candy Crush Saga apkCurrent Version : Varies with device Requires Android : Varies with device Category : CasualSize : Varies with device Recommended Switch and match your way through more than 100 levels in this delicious and addictive puzzle adventure. Ain't it the sweetest game ever? Please note Candy Crush Saga is completely free to play but some in-game items such as extra moves or lives will require payment. You can turn-off the payment feature by disabling in-app purchases in your device’s settings.The super hit game Candy Crush Saga is now available for Android phones and...

Solitaire apk []

Solitaire apkCurrent Version : 2.2.4 Requires Android : 2.1 and up Category : Cards And CasinoSize : 8.6M Recommended Solitaire by MobilityWare is the #1 Solitaire card game on the iPhone and it's now on Android!If you like Windows Solitaire, you're going to love this app!From MobilityWare, the makers of the most popular free and paid Solitaire game in the iTunes App store on the iPhone, iPod, and iPad. We've always strived to stay true to the classic Solitaire card game (also known as Klondike or Patience), the most popular version of Solitaire! A truly solitary experience! Tired of...
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